Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, I was doing my normal sleeping routine (bathroom, sleep for an hour, bathroom- rinse and repeat!) and I could not really get comfortable so I decided to go out to the living room and get on the computer. I have only been out her for 20 minutes and really don't feel any sleepier (if that is a word). It did not help that Monkey went to the door and was starting at it. Apparently there was a burglar in the house that she needed to go explore. I locked her in the bedroom and came out her alone, mostly because when I come out her, Duchess and Monkey both want to sit on my lap. I am so not looking forward to work today and tomorrow- my supervisor is gone because her appendix burst. She was supposed to go to Washington D.C. next week, so who knows if she is till going, (BTW she is okay- recovering from emergency surgery- poor thing just had a hysterectomy in February.) I bring that up because part of the department may have to work over the weekend and next week have a mandatory schedule of 8- 4:30. I am going to act like my schedule is normal and not change anything, hopefully this will be okay. I just don't think that I can handle another week of this schedule. (I have to be at work till 5, for phone coverage- it is total crap- thankfully due to scheduling the next time I would have to do it is September or October.)
Anyway, I should go back to bed, Monkey has probably found my warm spot on the bed by now so I will have to disappoint her.

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