Monday, April 27, 2009

Showers and childbirth classes

I have been very remiss in my blogging- I blame being 8 months pregnant and getting hooked on baby boards. Well, I had two showers since last writing and three more childbirth classes.
Both showers were lovely- like day and night- One was hosted by mother-in-law, two sisters-in-law and friend Molly. It was very lovely and so many people showed up and bought SOOO much stuff! I was very impressed. I got a lot of clothes, a car seat and a lot of stuff that I did not know I needed. There was a ton of food and really good stuff too- the cupcakes were excellent as well as the chocolate covered strawberries. Now, I want that punch and coffee that was there, although I am watching the Alton Brown episode on crawfish and it is really gross. Anyway, Molly did the games and they were fun- of course, I like any game that I don't have to embarrass myself in. We talked, opened presents and that was about it. There was a lot of presents so it took awhile, then the menfolk showed up and most of the non-family ladies left and we had "Easter" dinner there. MIL let me go in her room for some alone time. I didn't sleep but I rested, which I needed. I need so alone time to kind of deplug.
The childbirth classes were interesting, Robby had an awful time. He is not a fan of talking about bodily stuff anyway- let alone in a room full of strangers, he suffered through the breastfeeding video. We also learned about breathing techniques, breastfeeding, swaddling, labor positions and diapering. I am very happy I went just because she went over a lot of how they do things at Salem Hospital and I was concerned about pain management and all that. I don't want to use an epidural if I don't have to. I am keeping positive happy thoughts about it and hope for the best. I am hoping that I won't have to be induced- Robby is for that but it is not his body- he wants that because then he will know when the baby is coming but I am not 100% sold on the idea and to be honest I am going to listen to the doctor first before hubby (although he does have a say.)
The other shower was about half the people, and my aunt Holly didn't get to come because she has this fever thing that is not going away (she will take anti-biotics, fever will go away- as soon as the anti-biotics are done with- fever will come back, Aunt Holly has health issues, anyway so I feel bad at this new development.) Anyway, my Aunt Becki hosted this one- which was kind of out of the blue- her daughter lives in California and I don't know what their plans for kids are so I think that is hard on Aunt Becki. Also, this lady that I had known for a long time but is not actually related to my family was there with her daughter and granddaughter- her daughter has four kids and is expecting twins! I had no idea, she gave us a bunch of bath stuff, it was very thoughtful. Got lots of clothes and other items I needed, one of the best jackets was this little black jacket that has a little light that flashes when you move the garment- hopefully it will last till she can wear it (it is 18 months.)
Mom came over and after I got off work we put clothes away and filled up the dresser. It was nice because I was feeling overwhelmed by everything.
Now we just need- uh I made a list
These are the absolute necessities:
crib mattress
crib mattress pad (waterproof)
diaper cream
nursing undergarments
diaper pins
These are the things that can wait
high chair
plastic cippy cups
plastic bowls
plastic spoons
more bottles
breast pump
breast milk storage systems
safety gates
plastic outlet protectors
cupboard and drawer latches
toilet seat locks
more pacifiers
Things that I want
washtub (the kind you use for dishes would work)
changing table (I have my eye on one in particular)
diaper bag
front pack/ sling
bouncy seat
I got this off a baby checklist and I checked off some stuff but found myself woefully unprepared. I think I will feel better once I have the crib, bassinett and diaper system down, right now I feel that- the baby could come at any time but I don't know if I am ready. I am trying to focus on the actual stuff I need rather than decoration, but it is hard. I suppose it is too later to just get a pony, huh? Well, maybe next time. Oh and did I mention that I have another shower on Saturday? No? Maybe I will be able to add to the everloving pile of clothes and blankets. we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Your list is helpful, especially since my mom keeps asking me what you need and I'm like...well a crib seems necessary...(to which she replied, "just use the bottom drawer on the dresser!" she was joking)

    Oh and I tagged you on my blog's 8 Things post. :)
