Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Annoying dogs

There are actually three shows on that I could be watching but am choosing to wait until tomorrow. (besides I don't like to watch the results show on American Idol cause it should be a 2 minute show. Anyway, baby is moving around a lot as usual (well not right now). But at dinner the restaurant that we went to- sat us in a booth and I had to sit sideways until the actual food came- and let me tell you baby girl did not like that once bit! Neither did I. So I told Robby- no more restaurants like that until after the baby.
Oh rats! The stupid tab button does not work. It tabs down to the next entry, it does not tab over 5 spaces like in Word.
So, I added a bunch of stuff on babies R Us on Saturday when I went there with my MIL and Grandmother-in-law. Lots of cute stuff, I am worried about all the stuff that I everyone seems to tell me that I need. I figure- a crib, sheets for the crib, blankets, clothes, diapers and accessories for diapers. What other necessities are there- she will be nursing exclusively. Robby tried to convince me to use formula for part of the time to get the baby used to being fed in an emergency situation but I already will be pumping for when I am at work. Formula is expensive anyway- I have no problem with a women who cannot nurse- for medical reasons. Some people get all mad when they find out someone is not nursing- like it is any of your business.
I think I am feeling feisty still, I need to go to bed and dream about more random guys from candy bar commercials. Seriously- I won't say who- it is too weird. And I thought the thing with Rider Strong was bizarre- I hope this is no indication in how my baby will turn out. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. If your baby has half as interesting dreams as you do, you can entertain each other until the world ends.
