Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008

I decided to have a grouse fest, which is complain about stuff not some sort of festival involving birds.Forwards-backwards. I think I am coming down with a cold so it was a good thing that I got to stay at home and work today rather than go in to work. But I think I got a headache from staring at my computer screen, it is smaller than the one at work and I think that did not help matters. But my ears are starting to hurt and that doesn't help matters. I have this nasty boil thing underneath my arm and I think it felt a little better today. I went and put a hot compress on it and that seemed to help a little but it is still highly unpleasant. My uterus keeps pressing on my pelvic bone and the nerves down there, it is when I stand, move position or walk. Not that I thought pregnancy was going to be easy, but it is hard because everyone is different and therefore you cannot set expectations on what is going to happen to you based on what happened to someone else. What else was I going to complain about? Oh I guess just generally feeling like going through a haze.Okay what else? Last night I wrapped some Christmas presents and set them aside. This morning when Robby got up I had already been working for a few hours and I asked him to come look at something, so I was showing him the presents and he was like, "This is work? I thought you were supposed to be working?" I was super confused I thought, "Pointing to a stack of presents is work." Then he said, "You wrapped presents instead of working?" Then I laughed and explained that I had wrapped the presents last night and HAD been working all morning. He is so funny! I hope to go into work tomorrow, who knows what will happen on Wednesday so I am hoping to go to a couple of stores tomorrow after work and finish Christmas shopping so I am going to try and make a list and complete come Des Moines or highwater (Molly will get that reference.) okay, off the computer and on to the list!

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