Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I had to work over the weekend and was also utterly tired, so Robby went by himself to Great-Grandma Ober’s 90th birthday party. He brought me back a bouquet of red carnations and Mango Lemonade. So, he scored a bit of a home run. I think he was just happy that I had made him and Anthony food while they had their marathon WoW new expansion set fest. I asked him when he got back if he had mentioned that I was pregnant and he said no he hadn’t but it had been a lot harder than he anticipated. He is also convinced that not only are we having a boy, but we are having twins. Twins! I am supremely highly doubtful, considering the ultrasound showed only one baby! He says that sometimes an early ultrasound fails to show two babies because the babies heartbeats are too close to each other and the sonogramist- or whatever you call the ultrasound person can only detect one heartbeat. I say that he is crazy. I have no feelings about whether it is a boy or girl. I usually talk to the baby am encouraging using terms like “little guy” so hopefully if it is a girl she will not grow up to some PC-femi-Nazi who is offended when a female is referred to as a “guy” like when someone refers to a group of people and asks, “So, do you guys want to grab a bite to eat?” or something to that effect and than gets all mad.I looked up the question, “Why do people crave pickles?” Not pregnant women specifically but people. I heard that it was for the vinegar but the article I found that was not on Yahoo Answers or Wiki Answers was on a vitamin website. It said that most pregnant and non-pregnant people that crave pickles do so for the salt. The also said that those with under-active thyroids also crave olives. I don’t know if it counts as a craving though. I have eaten a lot of pickles but I try and moderate myself and always drink lots of water with my pickles otherwise I get way too thirsty. So my own theory is that I like pickles (my mouth waters when I watch a pickle commercial for goodness sake!) not because I crave salt but because my body needs more water, so if I eat something salty I am more likely to drink something to get rid of the salty taste. Great, now I want pickles and for some odd reason cheese (which according to the vitamin website means I am craving calcium and phosphorus.) My next appointment is Dec. 11, and I think I need to talk to Sara about Quad testing but I am looking on it favorably at this point. We shall see.

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